Advanced Memory Card
Are you getting exhausted managing your super large P2P network? This is the right tool for you.
Read its usage if you are new to this mod, or choose a chapter in the left to read.
Requires Forgelin.
Basic Usage
This chapter shows you how to use this tool hand-by-hand.
Acquiring the tool
Craft the tool using Memory Card and Network Tool from AE2. May be vary in modpacks.
Select a network
While handling this tool, right-click a ME cable or a device connected to the ME network. If you right-clicked on a P2P tunnel, the tool will have it selected.
Once a network is selected, a GUI will show up, which is the main interface of this tool. It lists all the P2P device in the target ME network.
Example: Establish P2P tunnels
Let's see a example, we want to connect blue network to a ME Controller and use white network as a delegate.
Obviously we want to setup a tunnel between the P2P next to the controller and two P2P facing to blue network. How do we achieve that? We simply use this tool on the P2P next to the controller, thus will make it "selected".
A GUI will popup. Green background indicates we are currently selecting this P2P device. Switch the mode below to "Bind Output" and click "Bind" on the other two P2P devices.
It's working! We can see that the tool auto generates a new frequency and connect two P2P outputs to this network. Our Crafting Terminals are getting their channels too.
After you select a P2P device with frequency, it will have a green outlet in the world, and devices with the same frequency will be in blue. This helps you to find paired P2P devices. To clear this outlet, simply hold your Better Memory Card and press Shift+Right click.
The mod doesn't check whether the outlet is valid to ensure performance. Please select a P2P device again or clear the outlet after you changed the ME network outside the GUI.
What's Next?
You may find that there are other modes to switch to, we will discuss them in the following chapters.
Mode: Bind Output
In the first chapter we talked about how to use this tool from scratch. However, in most cases we have to edit existing networks. So Better Memory Card provides three binding modes to cover all binding scenarios.
Before we going into that, let's talk about the basic binding concept in this mod.
Binding Concept
Basically while you click "Bind" button, there is always a "input" P2P device and a "output" P2P device.
If the "input" P2P device has no frequency or it is an output, a new frequency is generated and assigned to it, and it will be set to input.
The "output" P2P device will then set to the same frequency to it.
For details, you can view the code here.
Example: We want to modify the first setup, so that the P2P device on the right can be the input and the P2P device on the bottom can be output.
We simply select the P2P device on the right and press "Bind" button on the other output P2P device.
Now it has been assigned a new frequency and changed to Input.
Mode: Bind Input
Example: You have placed several P2P on your ME controller, and you want to connect two P2P devices to one of them.
You might want to use "Bind Output" mode, but the network is too complicated for you to find one of the outputs.
Now you can select one of the output P2P device, use "Bind Input" mode and bind what you want to be the input device. Repeat this operation again and now the blue networks will be linked to the controller.
Mode: Copy Output
This mode will copy selected P2P device's frequency to other device.
Example: We want to split a ME controller face(with 32 channel) into 4 cables. We have already setup a input-output link before. But we want to copy the frequency setting from the orange to other 3 cables.
We simply select the P2P device with orange output and switch to "Copy Output" mode. And we click bind on other 3 devices.
Now it works.