现在是什么?我们了解的渠道直接被推荐算法和几个大 V 所引导,而大 V 和制作商的诉求是完全一致的。大 V 为了尽可能多的流量,一定会去选择那些最稳妥的番,去推荐给你,然后再把他们吹成所谓的“神中神”。大 V 也同样有自己的粉丝群体,这些粉丝群体在大 V 的引导下会作为他们的脑残粉在评论区和弹幕出现,潜意识中引导你去同意他的观点和看法。不知不觉中,我们所有人都在传播的力量下被驯化了。
2004年成立,成员为くど(作编曲等)与monet(歌手)两人。最初的作品是2005年同人社团水镜的《灯穗奇谭》OP《under the different sky》,乐队也由此与枕社产生了极强的联系,在松本文纪加入之前一直作为枕的音乐制作主力活跃着。虽然乐队已经停止活动,但直到现在枕社官网在《樱之刻》的音乐一栏依然写着ピクセルビー的名字。
We find, for example, almost everywhere when we are traveling, men who are ready to serve those who pass and have lodgings ready to receive them. We dispose of their services as we wish; we command them and they obey us and make us believe that it gives thempleasure to serve us. They never excuse themselves from rendering any service demanded of them. How could such behavior be more admirable if it were animated by the spirit of charity itself? It is greed which makes them act, and they do so with such good grace that one believes one does them a favor by employing their services. Think how much charity would be required to build a whole house for another man, to furnish it completely and then hand him the key. Greed does this quite joyfully. What a degree of charity would be needed to go search for medicines in the Indies, or abase oneself to the vilest services, and the most painful? Greed does all this without complaining. <span class=”hint–top hint–error hint–medium hint–rounded hint–bounce” aria-label=””De la grandeur,” Jourdain, p. 398. “>[2]